Wednesday 8 October 2008

We've moved!

Choice Ireland now has a "proper" website at

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Debunking Myths about Abortion and Sex Education

Reproductive Health Reality Check has produced a series of videos dedicated towards debunking myths about reproductive choices and sex education. These videos take the format of a debate, providing arguments against reproductive rights and contraception access, which are then debunked with evidence.

We have posted them below for your convenience. Please note that figures quoted come from studies conducted, for the most part, in the United States.

This video deals with the issue of contraception access for youth, and the provision of it in schools:

RH Reality Check: Contraception Access For Youth from RH Reality Check on Vimeo.

The second video deals with the different kinds of pills used for reproductive choices, and clearly defines the difference between the contraceptive pill, the morning after pill, and RU486:

RH Reality Check: Emergency Contraception Vs. Abortion from RH Reality Check on Vimeo.

The video below deals with the debate between abstinence-only and comprehensive programmes of sex education:

RH Reality Check: Abstinence-Only Vs. Comprehensive Sex Education from RH Reality Check on Vimeo.

Finally, the video below deals with the argument that life begins at conception, explaining how this is an unscientific view:

RH Reality Check: Does Personhood Start At Fertilization? from RH Reality Check on Vimeo.

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Choie Ireland Social

Choice Ireland invite all pro-choice people to come along to a social event. It takes place 7-10pm, Fri 26th Sept in the Teacher's club, 36 Parnell Sq. West, Dublin 1.


* A screening of a short film with footage and interviews from a recent action at the rogue pregnancy counselling agency on Dorset St.
* Photos, info and leaflets about the rogue agency campaign and other Choice Ireland activities.
* Info on how to get involved and what you can do yourself to become actively pro-choice.
* Raffle/ chance to make a donation to help out with campaigns.
* Chance to chat and share ideas with other pro-choice people.
* Stickers, Badges and suprises.
* Wine and juice provided.

Hope to see you there!

ps - email us at choiceireland AT if you want to donate anything else to the raffle

Sunday 24 August 2008

Human Rights Watch Report

Human Rights Watch are this year mounting a major inquiry into how women's human rights are being violated by the current legal situation regarding access to abortion in Ireland.

The following email is a request for women to share their personal experiences with HRW (in absolute confidentiality) for their report. Please pass it along to anyone you think might be able to help.

------------ --------- --------- --------- -

Human Rights Watch are doing a country report on Ireland on the harm that the ban on abortion does to Irish women. I along with Marianne Mollmann will be in Ireland from August 25th-29th doing fieldwork. I am also available in London to do phone interviews and background research from August 20th. I have already done fieldwork in the UK with abortion service providers on the experience of Irish women travelling to Britain to obtain an abortion.

If you might be in a position to help Human Rights Watch with this ground breaking report, you can contact me by phone at the number below from August 20th or email hrwireland@gmail. com

We are particularly interested in interviewing women who have had to travel to obtain an abortion. Confidentiality and anonymity are guaranteed to all women who may wish to be interviewed. During the week of 25 August, our priority will be to interview women about their experiences – and would ideally like to interview the following categories of women:

  • Women with fetal abnormalities pregnancies
  • Adolescents
  • Rape survivors
  • Immigrant women
  • Traveller women

We are also interested in interviewing any woman who has had to travel for an abortion on their experiences. We would also like to be able to access any women who were not able to travel and who therefore continued with the pregnancies? I am not sure how easy it would be access this group and whether they would be willing to talk to us?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Liesl Gerntholtz.

Liesl Gerntholtz

Director, Women's Rights Division

Human Rights Watch

2-12 Pentonville Road

London N1 9HP

United Kingdom

+44 (0)207 713 1995 (general)

+44 (0)207 713 2796 (direct line)

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Rogue agency forced to change name

Rogue crisis pregnancy agency the "Women's Resource Centre" has been forced to change its name following a sustained campaign by Choice Ireland.

It has emerged that the rogue crisis pregnancy agency the "Women's Resource Centre" has taken out full-page ads in the new issue of the Golden Pages under the new name "Abbey Counselling Centre". The agency, previously known as "Alpha" and "British Alternatives Pregnancy Service", has been forced to change its name several times following exposures of unethical activity, provision of false medical information and intimidation of women seeking information on abortion services. The agency, then known as the "Aadams Agency", was also named at the centre of an illegal adoption scandal in 1999.

The change in name comes in the wake of a one-month series of demonstrations mounted by Choice Ireland highlighting the activities of the agency, which operates from its base on 50 Upper Dorset Street. The agency also operates a number of "outreach" centres from private homes around Ireland.

Commenting, spokesperson Niav Keating said, "The Abbey Counselling Centre is a new cover; however, the number advertised is that of the Women's Resource Centre. While we can work to expose this agency and its practices each time they reinvent themselves, it is clear that regulations need to be set down to ensure that crisis pregnancy counselling is carried out in an ethical, honest and compassionate way."

In a further comment, spokesperson Sinead Ahern added, "We hope that our upcoming hearing with the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health will further the development of legislation governing the operation of crisis pregnancy agencies. This would close the legal loophole which allows these agencies to traumatise women facing a crisis pregnancy."

This evidence of the continued operation of these "rogue" crisis pregnancy agencies closely follows the recent publication of the Commission on Patient Safety report recommending a licensing system for all healthcare providers. Minister for Health Mary Harney has failed to address the issue of rogue crisis pregnancy agencies.

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Photos from Saturday 16 July outside WRC


On Saturday, around 50 people gathered outside the WRC to show their support for the ongoing campaign to shut this agency down, and to regulate for all crisis pregnancy counselling. Thanks to all who came along, and to Bríd and Andrew for photos.





Wednesday 23 July 2008

Choice Ireland Calls on all Organisations and Individuals to Join the Big Demo Against the WRC

Choice Ireland is finishing a month of action against the rogue pregnancy counselling agency the WRC this Saturday. Choice Ireland has undertaken this month of action to raise local awareness about the operation of the clinic in the area and to generate support for our upcoming Oireachtas hearing where we will argue that legislation should be introduced to shut down rogue agencies. Choice Ireland therefore asks all like minded organisations to come and show their support for our campaign to shut down the WRC this Saturday at 1pm at number 50 Upper Dorset Street. Bring your banners and flags!

More info below.